Gov't Launches Braille and Audio-Visual Versions of Citizen's Budget Guide to Enhance Accessibility

Gov't Launches Braille and Audio-Visual Versions of Citizen's Budget Guide to Enhance Accessibility

Commissioner Paul Mwanja, representing the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED), Dr. Ramathan Ggoobi, spearheaded the launch of Braille and Audio-Visual versions of the Citizen's Guide to the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023/24 at MoFPED premises.

In collaboration with the Uganda Debt Network, UNICEF, and the Uganda National Association of the Blind, MoFPED had previously produced the first Braille version of the Citizen's Guide to the Budget for FY 2022/23.

Commissioner Mwanja highlighted the ministry's commitment to inclusivity by prioritizing the production of an audio-visual version alongside the Braille edition for FY 2023/24.

He emphasized, "This decision aims to cater to stakeholders with hearing impairment while also benefiting those with visual impairment."

The Executive Director of Uganda Debt Network, Tumwebaze Patrick, emphasized the significance of the Braille version in providing visually impaired individuals with independent access to budget information.

Patrick expressed optimism that this initiative would empower visually impaired citizens to engage actively in discussions, debates, and advocacy concerning budget priorities and allocations.

Representing UNICEF Uganda, Dr. Moses Sichei, the Chief of Social Policy, delivered remarks on behalf of Dr. Munir Safieldin.

He commended the commitment of the Ugandan government and MoFPED to ensuring equal access to vital information for all citizens, irrespective of their abilities or disabilities.

"We hope that the insights gathered from citizens will be considered and integrated into subsequent budget processes," Dr. Sichei remarked, noting Uganda's significant disability prevalence rate of 16% among children.