Gov't Declares Public Holiday for Population Census

Gov't Declares Public Holiday for Population Census

Government Declares Public Holiday for National Census

The government of Uganda has announced that Friday, May 10, will be a public holiday, enabling full participation from its citizens in the upcoming sixth National Housing and Population Census. This declaration was confirmed by Albert Byamugisha, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors at the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), during a press briefing at Naguru Police headquarters.

Byamugisha urged the public to remain at home and cooperate with census workers throughout the counting period, emphasizing the importance of everyone's involvement to ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the data collected. The census is scheduled to run from May 10 to May 19, during which time enumerators will collect vital information regarding the population and housing situation across the country.

The operations will commence on Thursday, May 9, as 114,460 enumerators, aided by 18,483 supervisors, begin their door-to-door efforts to gather data. Byamugisha highlighted the critical role of this exercise in shaping the government's future policies and resource distribution.

The results of the census are expected to significantly influence government planning, ensuring that decision-making and developmental planning are based on concrete evidence and address the real needs of Ugandans. The initiative represents a key step towards inclusive and informed governance and development strategies, reflecting the government's commitment to evidence-based decision-making and the welfare of its citizens.