KCCA to kick unregistered Bodas from the city as Haruna offers 300 free stalls to vendors
Boda-boda riders shall belong to only one stage and they will be given a particular reflector jacket color coded with a QR code to differentiate them from other stages” the RCC added calling upon all riders to quickly get to their respective divisions and register.

While addressing the Media about the seven points of action for Kampala Capital City on Tuesday, Kampala RCC Hood Hussein said in partnership with the Ministry of works and transport , they have for the past one month embarked on the registration of boda-boda riders operating in the Central Business District and metropolitan areas at the division level.
“Boda-boda riders shall belong to only one stage and they will be given a particular reflector jacket color coded with a QR code to differentiate them from other stages” the RCC added calling upon all riders to quickly get to their respective divisions and register.
As stated earlier by Hon. Kyofa the Minister for Kampala , all boda-boda riders willing to operate in the city will undergo mandatory registration, trained and only those qualified will be licensed and given reflector jackets by the Ministry of Works and Transport to freely operate within the city in an organized manner.
The RCC also thanked street vendors who co-operated to leave the streets which at the moment makes the city look adorable and admirable to many, but called upon landlords and shop owners to take up the responsibility of keeping street vendors off building verandas with assistance from security operatives adding that those caught conniving with these street vendors will be penalized.
Its in this regard that the RCC informed vendors that city tycoon Haruna Segawa of Haruna towers has offered over 300 stalls to be used at a free cost for six months in his markets and added that a working space issue seizes to be an excuse now.
RCC Hussein further retaliated his concern over the ‘dark and dull Kampala’ which he says is a breeding ground for crime especially along highways through the night. He urged City building owners to install high power lights and cctv cameras as an addition to particular city road lights . He further said KCCA shall work with proprietors of buildings to ensure that this is done within 3 months.
On the issue of Taxis in the city, the 7 points of action program indicates that taxi stages will only operate in designated parks including Kisenyi, Namayiba, Usafi and the New taxi park and heavy fines will be slapped to all those operating on illegal stages while safety of customers shall be handed by the Uganda Taxi Operators Federation in conjunction with KCCA and police.
The RCC’s program also hinted on buildings renovation and painting, naming and numbering of all buildings and those that will fail to comply shall all face fines.