Alex Isabirye Returns as URA FC Head Coach on One-Year Contract

Alex Isabirye Returns as URA FC Head Coach on One-Year Contract
Alex Isabirye Musongola during his unveiling. Photo/URAFc Media

URA FC has announced the appointment of Alex Isabirye Musongola as the new head coach on a one-year contract. contract

Isabirye steps into the role following the departure of David Obua, who was relieved of his duties in the second round of the recently concluded Startimes Uganda Premier League season.

Robert Mukasa served as caretaker for the remainder of the season.

Isabirye’s appointment marks a significant homecoming for the veteran coach, who previously managed URA FC and led the club to its last league title during the 2010/2011 season.

His tenure also saw the team clinch the Uganda Cup in 2012.

Club CEO Allan Munaaba expressed optimism about Isabirye’s return, highlighting the coach’s extensive experience and past achievements with the team as key assets in their quest to reclaim their former glory.

“We are optimistic that Isabirye’s return will revive our glory days, with his vast experience and previous success with the team being seen as key assets. His immediate challenge will be preparing the squad for the grand opening of the newly refurbished Nakivubo War Memorial Stadium, where we last won our league title as home ground,” said Munaaba.

The highly anticipated match, set for June 1, 2024, will see URA FC face off against Kitara FC at the newly refurbished Nakivubo War Memorial Stadium. This venue holds significant sentimental value, as it was the site of URA FC’s last league title victory.