France gives additional 500,000 Euros grant to support refugees and host communities in Uganda
Through the Programmed Food Assistance, France has supported vulnerable households in different parts of the country, both in refugee settlements and host communities and in the Karamoja region

H.E Xavier Sticker, Ambassador of France to Uganda, has today signed a 500,000 euro grant agreement with Action Against Hunger (ACF) Uganda, under France’s 2023 Programmed Food Assistance, to support the nutrition and food security of some 2,000 vulnerable refugees households and host communities in Nakivale and Kyangwali refugee settlements.
This 12-month Uganda Nutrition and Resilience project aims to:
• Increase access to more diversified nutritional diets and food for 1,000 at-risk households through provision of Fresh Food Vouchers.
• Improve the nutritional status of 1,000 refugee and host community households through self-production of diversified nutritious foods at home.
• Support 600 households to do large-scale agricultural production for food security and self-reliance.
• Undertake Social and Behaviour Change Communication at household and community levels to improve feeding practices and raise awareness of malnutrition prevention and treatment.
The Programmed Food Assistance is a financial instrument of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs aimed mainly at strengthening food assistance to vulnerable populations and improving their resilience. Through the Programmed Food Assistance, France has supported vulnerable households in different parts of the country, both in refugee settlements and host communities and in the Karamoja region. It is in line with France's International Strategy for Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture (2019-2024), the London Food Assistance Convention (ratified in 2017 by France), and the humanitarian-development nexus.
In total, since 2017, the French Embassy has contributed €3,040,000 (on food security, health and economic empowerment) towards humanitarian projects for refugees and host communities in Uganda.
About the partnership with ACF
Active in Uganda since 1980, Action Against Hunger (ACF) is an international French NGO dedicated to the fight against hunger in the world. ACF is currently working in six refugee settlements and the Karamoja to prevent and treat malnutrition for young children, pregnant and lactating women, and new mothers. Their teams sensitise communities on how to lead healthy lifestyles, work with farmers to grow new crops and improve their yields, and increase access to water, sanitation, and hygiene.
This project is a continuation of what has already been funded from 2019 to 2021 for a total amount of 900 000 euros, to improve food security and resilience in the refugee camps of Kyangwali (2019-2021) and Nakivale (2021).