President Kaguta Museveni has ordered for the dissolution of the board of directors of Uganda Airlines.

Museveni ordered Works and Transport Minister, Gen Edward Katumba Wamala, to dissolve the board of directors and consider prosecuting Uganda Airlines officials who are accused of indulging in corrupt practices such as pocketing bribes and mismanaging the national carrier like personal property.

President Kaguta Museveni has ordered for the dissolution of the board of directors of Uganda Airlines.
President Kaguta Museveni has ordered for the dissolution of the board of directors of Uganda Airlines.

President Kaguta Museveni has ordered for the dissolution of the board of directors of  Uganda Airlines, following an investigation that revealed  corruption, collusion and mismanagement of the national carrier.  

 Museveni asked  Works and Transport Minister, Gen Edward Katumba Wamala, to dissolve the board of directors and consider prosecuting Uganda Airlines officials he accuses of indulging in corrupt practices such as pocketing bribes and mismanaging the national carrier like personal property.

 The presidential directive is likely to spotlight the role in the saga of Uganda Airlines board chairperson Perez Ahabwe, who was a junior cabinet minister from 2009 to 2011. It is also likely to raise questions about the competence and integrity of Benon Kajuna, the director of transport at the Ministry of Works and Transport, who was the lead government representative on the Uganda Airlines board. Several months after revelations of the rot in Uganda Airlines and his possible role in them, Mr Kajuna remains in his position and continues to oversee the operations of the national carrier on behalf of the ministry.

 The President has instructed Gen Katumba and other relevant government authorities to interdict all suspended Uganda Airlines managers and hand them over to the Inspector General of Government (IGG) for possible prosecution. 

 “All disciplinary, dismissals, termination of contracts, prosecutions and interdiction should be carried out expeditiously and following legal procedures,” the President wrote last month in a letter seen by Daily Monitor. “All implicated officers should be referred to the IGG for prosecution and possible recovery of public funds.”   
