Zimbabwe Welcomes New Ugandan Ambassador, Pledges Stronger Ties and Collaboration

Zimbabwe Welcomes New Ugandan Ambassador, Pledges Stronger Ties and Collaboration

His Excellency Dr. Emmerson Mnangagwa, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, formally welcomed Mr. Paul Amoru as Uganda's new High Commissioner to Zimbabwe.

Ambassador Amoru conveyed warm regards from His Excellency Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as he presented credentials at State House in Harare on Wednesday.

President Mnangagwa acknowledged Uganda's support, particularly in advocating for the lifting of sanctions on Zimbabwe.

In his remarks, Ambassador Amoru expressed gratitude for the opportunity to strengthen diplomatic ties in his new role.

He highlighted President Mnangagwa's participation in key summits hosted by Uganda, emphasizing a shared vision towards Pan-Africanism and deepened historical bonds.

The discussion also centered on activating the Joint Permanent Commission (JPC) and establishing a Joint Business Forum to explore new areas of cooperation and enhance bilateral trade.

Both countries expressed keen interest in collaboration across sectors such as mining, tourism, agriculture, and education, aiming to elevate living standards and foster economic development.

President Mnangagwa commended Uganda's continuous support and expressed his desire to convene the long-overdue JPC, emphasizing shared membership in COMESA as a platform for enhancing trade and cooperation on regional peace and security issues.