Adu Rando Announced New Country Director for Nile Breweries

Adu Rando Announced New Country Director for Nile Breweries
Adu Rando Photo/courtesy

Uganda Nile Breweries, the makers of Nile Beer, have announced Adu Rando as the next country director replacing David Valancia.

“We are excited to announce Mr Adu Rando as our new Country Director, replacing David Valencia. Rando has been working for our mother company AB InBev for the past 20 years in different capacities in Brazil, China and Tanzania.” Read the statement.
“I'm extremely excited to be heading Uganda’s leading brewer, and maker of iconic brands. I look forward to working with the team here and our stakeholders for growth, a positive experience and impact on the road ahead,” he said. “I’m energized, inspired and empowered to achieve our shared ambitions.”
Valencia who takes on the role of Commercial Strategy Director, Africa Zone for AB InBev, welcomed his successor at the hand-over press conference held at the Luzira offices. Valencia who will be based in South Africa confirmed that the elaborate transition process in place will give Rando a smooth landing.
Onapito Ekomoloit, the Legal and Corporate Affairs Director, likened the change to a substitution within a winning team. “One-star player is giving way to another star player because the team is winning. We can afford the luxury of getting the star player to wait for your next match. He has contributed enormously, and you're sure the one coming in can only add more goals,” he said.
Rando joins Nile breweries after serving as the Route To Market Director, Greater Africa based in Dar es Salaam Tanzania from 2021. As a results-driven international business leader, Rando has extensive experience in sales, operations, digital sales systems platforms, e-commerce, sales structure and process optimization.

His long sales and operations experience in different channels on three large and diverse continents and his unique expertise in driving technological change across markets have provided him with a solid base for his role.