National Drug Authority arrests another illegal drug dealer

NDA has arrested a notorious illegal drug dealer Francis Hafishimana who together with his other 6 accomplices who were arrested in Nabulagala, Kasubi, in the outskirts of Kampala were found in possession of classified medicines including GoU drugs, medicines labels, forged documents of NDA, Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda and Uganda Medical and Dental Council, faked US Dollars and among others.
These are now being held at police and will be aligned before courts of law on charges of; 1. Unlawful possession of classified drugs contrary to section 27(2) of National Drug Policy and Authority Act, 2. Unlawful possession of government stores contrary to section 316 of the penal code (up to 10 years imprisonment upon conviction) 3. Forgery contrary to section 347 of Penal Code (up to 7 years imprisonment upon conviction) 4. Uttering False Documents contrary to section 351 of Penal Code (up to 7 years imprisonment upon conviction) NDA calls upon the public to be vigilant and report such criminality that happen