Museveni Orders Landlords to Cease Illegal Evictions of Bibanja Holders

Museveni Orders Landlords to Cease Illegal Evictions of Bibanja Holders

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has ordered landlords to stop the illegal evictions of bibanja holders and to return any excessive nominal rent fees (busuulu) charged, or face arrest.

This announcement came during the 35th Heroes' Day celebrations on June 9, 2024, held at Mpenja Church of Uganda Primary School playgrounds in Gomba District.

This year's heroes day was themed, "Hail Our Heroes: A Secure Uganda Is Now Reality."

President Museveni emphasized that the eviction of bibanja holders, particularly those on their land since 1983, is illegal.

He reminded landlords that nominal rents, fixed by district land boards, must be adhered to, referring to agreements made in the Constituent Assembly and the 1998 Land Act.

Museveni expressed dismay at landlords ignoring these regulations and reiterated that land ownership was restored to create a fair balance post-Idi Amin's regime.

Gomba District LC5 Chairperson, Kiviiri Geoffrey, revealed that the approved nominal fee is Shs10,000 annually, which many landlords have refused, exacerbating land conflicts.

Museveni proposed that unaccepted rent fees be held at sub-county offices and instructed the Gomba Resident District Commissioner, Harriet Nakamya, to document and resolve eviction threats.

During the ceremony, Lands Minister Judith Nabakooba distributed land titles to 446 Kanoni residents, facilitated by the government’s Land Fund.

Museveni credited the National Resistance Movement's principles for their 1981-1986 liberation war success and urged Ugandans to embrace socio-economic transformation initiatives like the Parish Development Model and Emyooga program to fight poverty.

The President also addressed crime prevention, directing the new Inspector General of Police, Abas Byakagaba, to deploy 18 police officers per sub-county and enhance communication links.

The event honored 49 individuals for their exceptional contributions, including Sheikh Mohammed Bin Maktoum Bin Jumah Al Maktoum from the UAE, awarded the Distinguished Order of the Crested Crane 1st Class Medal.

Museveni laid a wreath at a monument commemorating freedom fighters and received accolades for his leadership in Uganda’s liberation and ongoing development.