‘As long as the commodity is made in East Africa, it should be allowed to access the market freely’- Museveni to EAC Secretary General

President Yoweri Museveni wants commodities that meet the rules of origin to be sold freely in East Africa.
He made the comments at State House Entebbe during a meeting with the East African Community Secretary General, Peter Mathuki.
“The rules of origin must be observed. As long as the commodity is made in East Africa, it should be allowed to access the market freely.” President Museveni said
President Museveni was optimistic that in future East Africa will have a very strong economy which imports less from outside the region. He observed that once the economies are healthy there will be no need to import.
In his speech, Mr. Mathuki saluted the President for the continued energy he has invested in the community.
He said the East African Community Secretariat wants to remove all the trade barriers in the region.
Mr. Mathukiproposed that the Community establishes a committee that will resolve all the trade disputes among the member countries.
He also explained to President Museveni on the way forward in the East African monetary Union and the progress attained so far.
The Secretary General further briefed the President on the peace process in the Democratic Republic of Congo, saying, there was a need to establish a fund to facilitate the peace process in the East African nation.
On the other hand, Gen. Museveni made Uganda’s pledge to contribute towards the fund.