Government commits to resettling Kisoro flood victims

Water, roads, electricity cut off by floods

Government commits to resettling Kisoro flood victims

Government of Uganda has committed to resettling Kisoro flood victims .

On 25th January 2022 Mudslides & floods in Kisoro district killed nine people and displaced over  800 families  after a heavy downpour that resulted into floods and mudslides

The Minister of State for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees Hon. Anyakun Esther Davinia  says government is committed to supporting the flood victims through a Multi-Sectorial approach that will focus on  relocating the affected communities to a safer and habitable place yet to be identified.

The affected communities include Nyarusiza Sub County in Kisoro District in communities of Rukere, Kabale, Buzeyi and Mugwata villages in Rukongi and Gitenderi Parishes.

According to the State Minister, when she visited the affected area on Tuesday, the damage caused by the disaster had claimed upto  six lives aged between 1-30 years and property worth millions destroyed including roads.

The water supply in the area especially in Buzeyi village booster station was greatly affected as the 58 cubic tank was damaged making access to safe water difficult.

‘The power transformer, the pump house, the generator house and the fencing of the whole facility were all affected by mostly mud in the compound caused by floods that made it hard for further assessment of the damage’ she added

Land and farm land crops including cabbages, onions, banana plantations and Irish potatoes were also destroyed and according to the State Minister an estimated 40 acres of land of these crops were damaged by this disaster.

The road sector too wasn’t spared as the road from the sub county offices to the National Park still remains impassable for most of the vehicles that aren’t 4 wheel plus also waste management in the affected areas being damaged pausing a challenge of lack of toilet facility for current usage.

The office of the Prime Minister through the Ministry in charge of relief, disaster preparedness and refugees supported each household that lost a loved one with 500,000 ugx and also food stuff including Maize flour, and Beans to all the affected communities.

On Wednesday 26th a team from the Uganda Red Cross led by Kisoro branch manager also delivered relief aid to 300 disaster affected families and also helped in emergency evacuations, psycho-social support and rescue for missing persons.

With support from European Union through a consortium with Netherlands Red Cross and Internacional Federation of the Red Crescent these managed to activate immediate response and according to the spokesperson Irene Nakasiita the organization continues to request a team from all government departments to come for a joint assessment exercise to help in restoring the affected infrastructure.

‘We are going to continue supporting the affected communities and soon we will launch a crisis modifier that will enable in accessing of multipurpose cash to benefit families that might have lost businesses hence giving them choices of what they need to buy’’ she added emphasizing that basins and jerry cans alone may not necessarily help them in this case as they may not address their immediate means.