Gov't Launches National Budget Month FY 2024/25

Gov't Launches National Budget Month FY 2024/25

Government through the Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development (MoFPED), officially launched the National Budget Month for the fiscal year 2024/25 and the Open Budget Survey Report for 2023.

In his opening remarks, PSST, Ramathan Ggoobi highlighted the extensive consultative process that began in September 2023, leading to the preparation of the Budget Estimates for FY 2024/25.

"The consultations involved diverse stakeholders such as the President, Cabinet, Parliament, Civil Society, local governments, development partners, the private sector, academia, and various community groups."

Ggoobi emphasized that the input from these consultations shaped the budget strategy under the theme;

“Full Monetization of Uganda’s Economy through Commercial Agriculture, Industrialization, Expanding and Broadening Services, Digital Transformation and Market Access.”

Ggoobi outlined the key priority areas for the upcoming fiscal year, which include investing in human capital development, ensuring peace and security, constructing the Standard Gauge and Metre Gauge Railways, and promoting wealth creation initiatives like the Parish Development Model and the Agriculture Credit Facility.

He also stressed the importance of science, technology, and innovation in driving Uganda’s knowledge economy.

The National Budget Month, organized in collaboration with Budget Transparency and Accountability Partners, aims to engage stakeholders in the implementation, monitoring, and oversight of the budget.

During this month-long initiative, activities such as media engagements, the budget reading, post-budget dialogues, and regional dialogues will be conducted to ensure transparency and public participation.

Hon. Evelyn Anite, in her address, reiterated the government’s commitment to inclusive governance and transparency in the budget process.

She acknowledged the collaborative efforts with civil society organizations since 2018, which have enhanced public access to budget information and facilitated citizen participation in budgetary discussions.

Anite expressed gratitude to the International Budget Partnership, Uganda Debt Network, and the United Nations Children’s Fund for their role in conducting the 9th Edition of the Open Budget Survey.

She highlighted the significant improvements achieved through the implementation of previous survey recommendations and emphasized the government’s dedication to addressing the gaps identified in the latest report.