Gov't to Build 20,000-Seat Hoima Stadium Ahead of 2027 AFCON

Gov't to Build 20,000-Seat Hoima Stadium Ahead of 2027 AFCON

Government of Uganda has signed a contract with Turkish company M/S SUMMA for the construction of a 20,000-seater multi-purpose stadium in Hoima, in preparation for the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON).

This stadium is one of several planned venues for AFCON, which Uganda will co-host with Kenya and Tanzania.

The project is set to be completed within 18 months, with a deadline of December 2025.

The contract signing ceremony, held at State House Nakasero on June 7, 2024, was presided over by the First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Museveni.

Dr. Bernard Patrick Ogwel, Secretary General of the National Council of Sports (NCS), signed on behalf of the Ugandan government, while Selim Bora represented M/S SUMMA. The process was overseen by John Bosco Suza, the Director of Legal Advisory Services.

Minister Judith Nabakooba handed over a land title of 34.9 acres for the stadium to Mrs. Janet Museveni, who then presented it to Ambrose Tashobya, Chairman of the NCS. Mrs. Museveni expressed her gratitude to all involved in the project, highlighting the collective efforts of the government, private sector, and community members.

She emphasized the importance of delivering a stadium that meets international standards and is ready for inspection by the Confederation of African Football (CAF) by the end of 2025.

Mrs. Museveni also stressed the need for timely resource allocation to avoid delays and reiterated the government's commitment to developing additional sports infrastructure, including the Akii Bua, Buhinga, and Kakyeka stadiums, as well as phases of the National High Altitude Training Centre in Kapchorwa.

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja, represented by Security Minister Jim Muhwezi, lauded the signing as a transformative step in Uganda's sports development agenda. She praised President Museveni and Mrs. Museveni for their dedication to the project and acknowledged M/S SUMMA for their partnership.

Sports Minister Peter Ogwang highlighted M/S SUMMA's successful projects, such as the Kigali Arena and Amahoro Stadium in Rwanda, urging them to maintain high standards for the Hoima Stadium.

He underscored the potential of sports tourism to generate significant revenue for Uganda, drawing parallels with Rwanda's success in this area.