FULL LIST: Museveni Reshuffles Cabinet, Events Promoter Barugahara Named Minister of State for Gender

FULL LIST: Museveni Reshuffles Cabinet, Events Promoter Barugahara Named Minister of State for Gender
Events promoter Balam Barugahara Photo/courtesy

In a significant cabinet reshuffle announced today evening, President Museveni has appointed events promoter Barugahara as the Minister of State for Gender.

Barugahara is known for his business acumen and vocal support for Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba's presidential aspirations.

The reshuffle also sees changes in key ministerial positions, with Gorreti Kitutu and her deputy Agnes Nandutu being dropped from their roles amidst the Karamoja mabaati saga. Florence Wamala Nambozo and Peter Lokeris have been appointed to replace them, respectively.

Vincent Ssempijja has been replaced as Minister of Defence by his deputy, Jackson Oboth Oboth, while Gen Wilson Mbadi transitions from Chief of Defence Forces to Minister of State for Trade.

At the top, President Museveni has retained Jessica Alupo as Vice President and Robinah Nabbanja as Prime Minister. Additionally, Gen Moses Ali remains as second deputy prime minister, despite health concerns.

New entrants to the cabinet include Dr Kenneth Omona as Minister of State for Northern Uganda and Lillian Aber as Minister of State for Disaster Preparedness.

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