I work from 06:00am to midnight’ - NTV’s Sandra Twinoburyo reveals her dream to success in her Womens day message

I work from 06:00am  to midnight’ - NTV’s Sandra Twinoburyo reveals her dream to success in her Womens day message

In her exclusive interview with POA TV ahead of the International Women’s Day on March 8th, NTV news anchor Sandra Twinoburyo opened up on her success and sustainability secret in Uganda’s media industry.

Sandra has been in  media since her days at campus ,  her first job was at City TV an online channel that  focuses on lifestyle and entertainment, she has since never looked back.

‘’I tell young girls out there that dreams do come true if you work at them and money doesn’t fall from trees’’ she added emphasizing the need  to get relevant skills that can enable one compete favorably everywhere.

The NTV weekend edition face also had an opportunity to work at Radio city one of the local radio stations back in the days as a presenter and also at Record TV where she worked as a news anchor for a period close to one year.

Though she applied and got an opportunity at one of the leading TV stations in the country where she has done anchoring close to three years now, Sandra reveals that her day is usually packed with a number of activities which keep her up from 6am in the morning up to midnight.

‘’My anchoring day starts with news room meetings in the morning where I’m given the days deliverables which I have to complete by midafternoon for my saloon, outfit and general grooming appointments and by 5pm I’m set for my script review’’ she explained further.

The ambitious, God fearing young lady, besides her busy schedule in media she started  a youth mindset change advocacy outfit called ‘Unemployment Ends with me’ Youth Initiative which has a vision of ensuring unemployment reduction in Uganda.

‘’I want to be remembered as a hardworking down to earth person who worked hard to ensure that the youth tap into their potential’’ she joyously whispered to our reporter .

Although Sandra has managed to take a promising step towards achieving her goals, she has faced numerous challenges as a woman in media ranging from the costs of maintaining an acceptable standard to the attention media personalities get that calls for being well grounded in order to stay focused.

Besides all that, she counts herself lucky to be amongst essential workers in the covid19 era but like many others, she lost a number of people close to her which didn’t leave her the same.

This travelling, cooking and movie enthusiast acknowledges all this to prayer, hard work and believing in achieving your dreams.