Speaker Among Responds to Allegations of UK Property Ownership, Refutes Claims

Speaker Among Responds to Allegations of UK Property Ownership, Refutes Claims
Speaker of Parliament Anita Among

Speaker of Parliament Anita Annet Among has addressed recent allegations concerning her supposed ownership of property in the United Kingdom.

The controversy, which has now escalated to a point of diplomatic dialogue between Uganda and the UK, revolves around claims that Among owns a property at Flat 4, Silk House, 7 Waterden Road, London, E20 3AL.

Among, who says that she chose to remain silent amid various malicious accusations, has decided to break her silence to clarify this specific issue.

She expressed appreciation for President Yoweri Museveni’s decision to seek the truth through formal diplomatic channels.

“Indeed, like the known principle of natural justice recognized in most jurisdictions of the Commonwealth (including Britain), the one who alleges must prove. Since the UK government claims I own property, it should be prudent of them to state which property I own as Anita Annet Among. Forgery should be the least the world can expect from them. I am sure this is the answer my President, our government, and myself want from them. Nothing else,” Among stated.

She emphasized that the property in question has a registered owner, according to UK government records, and that owner is not her. This allegation, she suggests, is a fabrication, possibly motivated by her vocal stance against homosexuality, a highly contentious issue within and beyond Uganda's borders.

"Fellow Ugandans, while this matter is exciting to some because of our own internal political contradictions and intrigue, I insist and wish to alert all, soundly, that the issue is not the alleged corruption or ownership in the UK. The attempts to forge and claim that I own property when their own records show the contrary tell it all,” she continued.

Among urged Ugandans to see beyond the surface of these allegations, She framed the accusations as part of a broader campaign against her, driven by her opposition to homosexuality.

This development comes amid heightened scrutiny and debate over Uganda's stance on LGBTQ+ rights, an issue that has drawn significant international attention. Among's statement seeks to redirect the focus from the allegations of property ownership to what she views as the underlying political motivations against her.