Parish Development Model Funds ready - Ramadhan Ggoobi

n the Health sector, the funding is mainly for the National Medical Stores and over Ushs 120billion is accounted for essential drugs whereas Ushs 92.44 billion will go to Ministry of Health. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development will share Ushs 42.53 billion and Referral Hospitals are accounted for Ushs 23.79 billion.

Parish Development Model Funds ready - Ramadhan Ggoobi

While releasing the third quarter expenditure for the financial year 2021/22, the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance Mr. Ramadhan Ggoobi urged the Ministry of Local governments to fast truck the implementation guidelines by finalizing the recruitment of parish chiefs for the Parish Development Model before funds can be released.

According to the permanent secretary, no funds for the Parish Development Model have been released in this third quarter and this is due to the pending guidelines from the Ministry of Local governments in creation of enterprise groups and many others.

“Whereas Government has continuously released funds in time, several Ministries, Agencies and Local Governments have persistently delayed to submit quarterly reports” he added emphasizing that to date 11 Local Governments and 81 Central Government Votes have not submitted their first quarter performance reports yet government effective financial year 2021/22 decided to release Local Revenue for Local government Votes when they remit to collections to the Consolidated fund.

As per the Finance Ministry, the Quarter three Expenditure limits under the categories of Health and Social Protection, Security and Presidency, Agriculture and Industry, Governance, URA, Judiciary, Legislation, Electoral Commission and Missions abroad were prioritized taking into consideration of the Cabinet decision to prioritize them.

In the Health sector, the funding is mainly for the National Medical Stores and over Ushs 120billion is accounted for essential drugs whereas Ushs 92.44 billion will go to Ministry of Health.  Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development will share Ushs 42.53 billion and Referral Hospitals are accounted for Ushs 23.79 billion.

According to the third quarter expenditure, The Parliament is accounted to receive Ushs 132.64 billion,  the Judiciary Ushs 74.7 billion, the Electoral Commission Ushs 72.48 billion and Missions Abroad with Ushs 83.1 billion all sharing Ushs 362.93 billion.

Agriculture and Industry according to the expenditure is to receive Ushs 231.905 billion and this funding is mainly for the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, National Agricultural Advisory Secretariat, Uganda Coffee Development Authority, National Agricultural research Organisation and National Animal Genetic Resources Centre & Data Bank.

Security and Presidency according to the expenditure is to receive Ushs 1,290 billion and this will be broken down by the Ministry of Defense of which Ushs 514 billion is to cater for classified equipment. Supplementary Budget for State House, Uganda Police, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Security Organisation, External Security Organisation, Directorate of Government Analytical Laboratories, Office of the Prime Minister and UgandaPrisons.

The Permanent Secretary concluded by saying that In line with the Ministry’s commitment to release funds before the 10th day of the first month of the quarter, they issued the Quarter Three Expenditure limits on 22nd December 2021 to ensure timely execution of Government programs.