Uganda Hosts Validation Workshop to Advance Optical Fiber Infrastructure Across East Africa

In a bid to bolster digital development and innovation, Uganda proudly hosted a three-day validation workshop at the Golf Course Hotel in Kampala.
The event, titled "Validation Workshop of the Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for Optical Fibre Infrastructure under the Enhancement of Governance and Enabling Environment Programme," drew esteemed delegates from various regional economic communities, international organizations, and government representatives.
Led by Mr. Leonard Chitundu, the COMESA Secretariat representative, and attended by delegates from Member States of Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, and the Indian Ocean, the workshop aimed to review and refine policy and regulatory frameworks for optical fibre infrastructure development.
The Permanent Secretary Ministry of ICT and National Guidance Dr. Aminah Zawedde highlighted government's commitment to digital development as a priority area for driving prosperity and economic growth.
"From a global perspective, in 2023 approximately 67% of the world's population was using the Internet. However, for the African continent, only 37% of the population was using the Internet. This is an indication that as a continent there is a need to improve ICT infrastructure coverage and target to reach the underserved and unserved communities."
She emphasized Uganda's comprehensive Digital Uganda Vision and the recent launch of the Digital Transformation Roadmap, aimed at harnessing the abundant opportunities within the ICT sector.
The workshop provided a platform to showcase Uganda's significant progress in the telecommunication and ICT industry, including the implementation of the National Data Transmission Backbone Infrastructure and e-Government Infrastructure Project.
"The EGEE-ICT programme is vital for our region, because if the policy and regulatory frameworks to be developed under this programme once adopted and implemented will create to have an enabling ICT environment for investment to address the ICT infrastructure gaps and improve access to affordable services. The Government of Uganda therefore gives assurance to continue to support and promote the success of the EGEE-ICT programme."
Recognizing the challenges faced by landlocked countries in extending fibre connectivity inland, delegates emphasized the urgency of enhancing optical fibre infrastructure across the region.
The workshop built upon a comprehensive study completed in 2023, which provided insights into the status and challenges of fibre connectivity in the region.