UNICEF, WFP break ground for construction of joint multi-million office premise in Kampala

UNICEF, WFP break ground for construction of joint multi-million office premise in Kampala

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) held a ground-breaking ceremony to kick off the construction of their multi-million-dollar joint office premises in Mbuya, a Kampala suburb.

The UNICEF and WFP joint premises will enable the two agencies to reduce long-term operational costs, implement programmes that the UN agencies are delivering jointly, including social protection for refugees and host communities, school feeding and addressing malnutrition in Karamoja.

“These joint premises are a reflection of our commitment in Uganda to deliver as one UN, working together to maximise the use of our resources while giving our best to the people we serve,” Susan Ngongi Namondo, the UN Resident Coordinator in Uganda said.

Situated on a UNICEF leased land of 2.6 acres, the premises will feature parking space, health amenities, gender-sensitive services such as breast-feeding rooms, green gardens and a separate conference facility. 

The building has been designed and will be built to save 20 per cent on energy use, water consumption and material-used in the building. This will afford the building an EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) certificate from the IFC-World Bank, a global standard for green building.

This will be achieved by a combination of measures that will include solar power in the building, improved insulation of the wall, natural ventilation of the offices, water recycling, rainwater harvesting and sewage treatment.

The scheme also targets to retain over 50 per cent of the greenery and trees in the landscape, while minimising the building's carbon footprint. The building will feature energy efficient installations and water appliances.

“UNICEF Uganda has been working towards positive climate action and with this new construction we show once again that we walk the talk,” M. Munir A. Safieldin, UNICEF Uganda Country Representative, said. “

As the multi-million-dollar project goes into procuring construction materials and paying for services, the project will contribute to the national economy. It will create jobs for an estimated 200 people, including women and young people, will be involved in both technical construction work and providing services such as preparing food.

UNICEF and WFP aim to use locally available construction materials and will ensure that the building is easily accessible by all staff and visitors including those with disabilities.